Westland Daily is dedicated to helping the people of Westland, MI to get the most appropriate local news as fast and reliable as possible.
We are a Westland Daily News Site delivering local news and information. Our subscribers and visitors appreciate our timely news, opinions, and ideas for improving every part of the city.
The Westland Daily team consists of three dedicated people. Our long-term goal is to remain a micro-local news blog, covering only events in Westland that residents find valuable in their daily lives. We are committed to providing quality and independent journalism in every story we publish.
As a trusted local news source, we have been active for years and look forward to continuing our story into the future.
We are also locals; we remain locals.
Our Team
Laura Rafferty – co-founder:
Laura is a graphic designer and social media manager. Her love for the city where she grew up, decided to put it in her blog to keep the community informed on a daily basis.
Marcia Stephens – co-founder
Maricia is co-founder of WestlandDaily.com. She is Laura’s life partner as well as her business partner. Marcia was born and raised in a nice neighborhood called Northville in Michigan. Mike knows what are his neighborhood needs and this news magazine is the voice of those people!
Alfredo Rodriguez – author
Alfredo is the newest team member that joined us in 2021. We were very happy to have him on-board, because Alfredo has lost his job in a major news house due to covid-19 complications. Alfredo is reporting the sports and crime news on our website.